Parent Engagement
Parent and Community Center
Located in the middle of campus, our Parent Center is a welcoming space to learn more about the school, sign up for a class or workshop, or meet other families. Our parent representative is available to answer questions and support the involvement of families. Principal Queena Kim also holds monthly UCLACS Parent Gatherings to share information with families.
Email Parent Representative Jessica Turcios at jat1079@lausd.net

UCLACS Parent Gathering
Join Principal Queena Kim and our Parent Community Representative for monthly gatherings to learn about our school programs and activities.
For more information, contact our Parent Representative Jessica Turcios at jat1079@lausd.net

School Governance Council
Decision making body comprised of teachers, students, parents, UCLA representatives and community partners that sets the school’s vision, selects and annually evaluates the principal, determines the annual EWA terms for the teaching staff, and approves the annual budget.
Certain Tuesdays 4:00-5:30pm @ RFK Sec Library

English Learner Advisory Committee ELAC
The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is a school-level committee that advises school officials on programs and services for English learners. The purpose of an ELAC is to:
Provide parents with opportunities to learn about programs for their children
Help parents identify ways to support their children
Assist schools in making decisions about services for English learners
Provide written recommendations to the School Site Council regarding programs and services for EL students.
Certain Tuesdays 8:15am-9:30am UCLA MPR
Email Hannah Lee at hannah.cynn@lausd.net for more information.

Family Wellness
A hallmark of community schools is their focus on the “whole child” and family wellness. UCLA Community School has a strong system of learning supports to integrate health and social services into the life of the school. In 2016-17, almost 20% of students were referred for support services to a variety of community agencies, including: Children’s Institute, Koreatown Youth and Community Center, Children’s Bureau, Los Angeles Guidance Center, Star View Community Services, and Aviva.

Mental Health Professionals
Three full-time mental health professionals–a school psychologist and two psychiatric social workers–provide infrastructure to promote wellness and restorative practices as well as respond to crisis and mental health needs. Support is provided in the classroom and for families which include direct services, trainings, resource gathering and making referrals for counseling with outside agencies.

Support for Immigrant Families
About two-thirds of our families are immigrants, primarily from Mexico, Central America, and Korea—among the highest percentage of immigrants in Los Angeles. There is a immigrant family legal clinic on site to provide consultation and legal services to the families at the RFK Community School campus. The clinic offers three types of services to the RFK Community: Know Your Rights materials, legal consultations, and full legal representation.
In addition, the school also partners with several immigrant rights organizations, including CARECEN, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network.